India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

On Chess: High Standards Credited to Fischer

An interesting chess column in The Columbus Dispatch by Shelby Lyman. Read on:

Before the rise of Bobby Fischer, international chess — even among the vaunted Soviets — was sometimes a quasi-amateur affair. Several of the top Soviet grandmasters depended on inspiration rather than diligence and preparation. In a category of his own was the young Mikhail Tal, whose creative flair at the board astonished and terrified foes. Often, he seemed to make up his game as he went along. His moves weren’t always correct, but, in the hurly-burly of struggle, they were effective. He became world champion at 24.

At the other extreme were players such as Fischer, Efim Geller and Viktor Korchnoi: harbingers of a more radical work ethic to come, laboring with little respite at the chess grindstone. Mikhail Botvinnik set a new standard for preparation and performance.

But it was the young American, Fischer, who raised the professional banner and chess work ethic to its highest level. As he explained to fellow grandmaster Larry Evans, Fischer focused on the game, consciously or unconsciously, 24 hours a day.

The previous bohemian approach to chess is no longer workable. This is, as some older grandmasters wistfully and woefully explain, largely both the contribution and the curse of Robert James Fischer. (Shelby Lyman is a Basic Chess Features columnist.)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

French Chess Champ in 'Secret Story' French Reality TV Show

This Libran chess grandmaster and former French women's chess champion is entering French television reality show 'Secret Story' that is quite like the Indian 'Big Boss'. The contestants entered the house on May 25.

This is the sixth season of 'Secret Story'. The 'Secret Story' keeps contestants locked in the house for 10 weeks without any outside contact. The house is called 'La Maison des Secrets'. There are cameras all over the house except in the bathrooms. There is one twist unlike 'Big Boss'. Every contestant has a secret and the other participants try to discover that secret. A contestant wins the money of the person whose secret he guesses. Each participant has €10,000. Each Tuesday, two contestants are nominated and put up against the public vote to be evicted on the Friday. The girls and boys nominate the opposite sex, alternating weekly. So, what is Marie Sebag's secret? That she is a French chess champion. She proves how a frail appearance can be so deceptive. Unfortunately, the videos cannot be re-played in India from the television website. Don't worry, the other contestants cannot read this chess news snippet!

2012 Anand Gelfand World Chess - A Funny Batman-Joker Chess Video Dedication

The 2012 Anand Gelfand World Chess Championship has defied definitions so far. Here is a funny video we find apt for the situation. It is up to you to decide who is 'Batman' and who is the 'Joker'! In the end, the Joker says in Russian: Why so serious!

Game 11 Moves - Anand's Easy Draw versus Gelfand at 2012 World Chess Championship

2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship Game 11 in Moscow: Saturday chess did not have the fireworks expected. Reigning world chess champion India's Viswanathan Anand has settled into his rhythm and obtained an easy draw against Israel's Boris Gelfand in the game. The Game 12 - the final in the series of classical control chess games in the current world chess match - would be played on Monday and would be available live through the fantastic official website feed from India time 4.15 pm. Meanwhile, here are the Game 11 moves in our Chess King applet.

Women's World Rapid & Blitz Chess Championship in Batumi from May 30

For those worried about the chess lull once the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship in Moscow ends on May 30, there is the more sexy Women’s World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship 2012 coming up in Batumi, Georgia! The Women’s World Rapid and Blitz Championship 2012 will be held from May 30 to June 6 at te Sheraton Hotel. The Association of Chess Professionals and the Georgian Chess Federation are coming together to organise this women's chess event. An interesting aspect would be that zero tolerance rules would not apply. More information about the chess championship available at official website.

Crucial Game 11 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship (Betting odds Updated)

The crucial Game 11 is on today! Tune in to the live webcast from the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship via the official website at about India time 4.15 pm. Only two games in classical time control are left in the main match. If the score remains tied after Monday's game, a tiebreak would be played on Wednesday. There is a rest day on Sunday tomorrow.

 Game 10 underway on Thursday. Photos: Official Website.

Vladimir Potkin, Vladimir Below, 
and Anatoly Karpov gave a simul to talented children

Expectations from Game 11 at World Chess Championship 2012
  • Israel's Boris Gelfand, the challenger would use his White to the best advantage. The risk is great. Gelfand has been on the offensive and he would like to decide matters for once and all.
  • India's Vishy Anand has regained his rhythm. He has immense patience which he displayed in Game 9 by building an unbreakable fortress and letting Gelfand hammer at iron falls with no use.
  • Most people think it is to Vishy's advantage if the match goes into tiebreak. However, Gelfand has come this far by getting through a series of tiebreaks against some of the current top players in the world. We think, the tiebreak could be an advantage for Boris Gelfand. Though, a tiebreak in a match like this is almost a lottery.
  • A win by either player today could decide the match. 
  • Betting odds: Bookies predict 79% chances of draw in Gelfand-Anand Game 11, 11% chances of a Gelfand win with White and 10% chances of an Anand win with Black. European betting information odds improved for Gelfand to 85%. Another update - Bookie odds were revised to a 50% for draw in the tenth game at Game 10 Move 22. ...Be8


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