India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kasparov Comments Anand Gelfand 2012 Game 6 at Moscow World Chess Championship - Anand, Gelfand Remarks Updated

Gary Kasparov was in the Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship commentary room on Friday in Moscow during the sixth game. Of course you could view the complete recording of the live broadcast of the Anand Gelfand Match 6 at the official website. (Photo: Fide)

Here are excerpts of all the Gary Kasparov comments made during Game 6 with commentators GM Peter Svidler and New in Chess editor Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam.

Click to read Gary Kasparov Anand Gelfand 2012 Game 6 Comments compiled by B&W.

World Chess Championship 2012 - Replay Drawn Game 6 Moves with Chess King

Game 6 of World Chess Championship 2012 in
Moscow between Viswanathan Anand
and Boris Gelfand about to begin. Photo: Fide.

Game 5 Result: 1/2-1/2
Anand-Gelfand Match Score: 3.0-3.0

The sixth game and the same result. Anand and Gelfand once again played the Slav Defence. This time the challenger opted for the variation 6.Qc2 instead of 6.b3. The game developed further on quietly: Black got an isolated pawn in the centre, but it was compensated for by a somewhat passive position of the white pieces. Soon the d5-pawn was exchanged and the position simplified. By move 25 each side had a rook and a bishop of the same colour remaining on the board. The resulting endgame was estimated as drawn and four moves later the contenders agreed to a draw. The match score is equal: 3-3. Tomorrow, on 19 May, the opponents have a rest day. The seventh game will be played on Sunday, 20 May. Boris Gelfand will play White.

Today Garry Kasparov, the 13th world champion, was the honoured guest at the match. At the press conference, Garry readily answered many questions from the journalists in great detail. Then he joined first the English-speaking commentators, Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam and Peter Svilder, and after that the Russian-speaking commentators, Ilya Smirin and Alexander Grischuk, and took part in analyzing the game. Later Kasparov went down to the chess courtyard where he played a simul against young talented Russian chess players.

Gary Kasparov Press Conference Video Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship (Missing video comments transcript updated)

Eugene Potemkin recorded this press conference at the Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship in Moscow on May 18 during Game 6. As always it is worth hearing what legendary chess-player-turned politician has to say. A recording is also available at the official website.

Another video by popular Indian chess journalist Vijay Kumar.

Abridged transcript of press conference comments by Gary Kasparov at Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship in Moscow via the official website: Click here

Gary Kasparov at Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship on Friday

The 13th World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov will visit the Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship Match in Moscow on Friday during the sixth game of the event. He will address a press conference and also visit the commentary room to join Alexander Grischuk (in Russian) and Peter Svidler (in English). They will discuss the Game 6 moves of the Anand Gelfand Chess Game 6 during the live broadcast and the comments will be available both to the spectators and visitors to the official website for the match. 

Later, Kasparov will play a simultaneous exhibition chess game with young chess players who are taking part in the children’s programme at the World Championship Match. Prize winners and winners in the world, Russian and European children’s chess championships will be taking part in the simul. Stay tuned at the official website of the Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship in Moscow.

Click to read Gary Kasparov Anand Gelfand Game 6 Comments compiled by B&W. (Link added from our latest post.)

Special Chess Game: When 'a' File was Full

For everyone watching Anand Gelfand Game 4 at the World Chess Championship 2012 in Moscow, the motif with d-file being full of pieces at Move 17 was an interesting topic of conversation. The official championship website even had their report titled on the motif! This is certainly not something one gets to see on the chessboard every day. That is why Boris Gelfand himself pointed it out, clicking with the mouse on the relevant place in the game’s electronic notation and adding that such positions give genuine pleasure to real chess amateurs. 
Masters of artistic composition – a genre of chess composition – would probably note that this “column”, along with the rook on c8 and the pawns on b7 and a6, forms a genuine number 1. This number is turned towards White, as if promising a win, but White just cannot score it!
We found a nice chess game for you with the a file being full from another tournament, another time! The game was played between Nino Khurtsidze and Corina-Isabela Peptan at the 7th Individual European Women's Chess Championship, 2006. The game ended in a draw. You can view it in our Chess King applet.

Top 5 Anand Gelfand 2012 Chess Jokes of World Chess Championship

The Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship match between defending champion Viswanathan Anand and challenger Boris Gelfand will resume on Thursday. 
Here are top 5 Anand Gelfand jokes. You could switch the names of the two grandmasters in the jokes and still enjoy them. If you have a special Anand Gelfand chess joke to share, send it to and we will feature it in the next installment with your name. You might even win a prize!

Anand Gelfand 2012 Joke 1
Anand: In what country were you born?
Gelfand: Belarus
Anand: Which part?
Gelfand: What do you mean which part? Whole body born in Belarus, moved to Israel.
Anand: Good move!

Anand Gelfand 2012 Joke 2

Anand: (After another draw at the board) Are you sponsoring the vodka tonight?

Gelfand: Hey, the press and audience are still here.
Anand: Don't worry they will think we are analyzing the game.

Photo: Fide

Anand Gelfand 2012 Joke 3
Anand: Where do you go after every move? Is it something like Kramnik and the toilet thing?
Gelfand: Oh Rubbish. I got this part-time job to hang the paintings in the gallery. One has to do things for extra side money you know. 

Anand Gelfand 2012 Joke 4
Gelfand: If I win this I give a ring to my wife
Anand: Mobile or landline?

Anand Gelfand 2012 Joke 5
Anand: Which is the most popular chess club in the world?
Gelfand: File D
(Watch Game 4 to understand this joke.)
Read our post on a game that had the 'a' file full here.

Both Anand Gelfand to each other: Yeah let's drag this match with draws as much. Our wives are waiting for us to get home and look after the baby. Am tired of all that nappy changing.

Watch out for our next chess fun post on the rest day. Enjoy the live broadcast of the Anand Gelfand world chess championship 2012 on Thursday at the official website.


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