India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Give Garry Kasparov Your Best Answer for His Lecture in S. Africa @ The Discovery Invest Leadership Summit

Legendary world chess champion Garry Kasparov will be speaking at The Discovery Invest Leadership Summit event on August 30. The Discovery Invest Leadership Summit showcases brilliant minds, giving the South African business community access to leading-edge leadership thinking."

Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, Gauteng, South Africa
Bookings: Telephone +27 (0)86 100-0749

Your comment could be part of Garry Kasparov's speech at the event! On his Facebook page, Kasparov has sought comments: "Speaking here on the 30th. Glad I am able to travel! A question for you: Would you rather work at an established company whose business will be obsolete in 20 years, or in a startup whose business might change the world 20 years (but that might fail)? Be honest! I'll share the best answers with my audience in South Africa." 

Go on, post your answers there.

Istanbul Chess Olympiad: First Round Today Watch Live from 5.30 PM

A record-breaking 158 countries will start off with the first round at the Istanbul Chess Olympiad in Turkey today at 15:00 local time (India time 5.30 pm). You can watch live at the official website. The live video feed is at this link. The drawing of colours took place during the opening ceremony at the WOW Convention center in Istanbul. The ceremony began with the national anthem of Turkey, followed by a tribute to chess players in history, traditional dances and programmes. FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the Minister of Youth and Sports Suat Kilic, and the Turkish Chess Federation President Ali Nihat Yazici greeted the participants. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pak Chess Kid Heads to Istanbul Chess Olympiad at Age 11

It's always a pleasure to have chess news come in from Pakistan that is only beginning to witness chess at the national level. We thank our readers who have pointed out the following videos of 11-year-old Mehak Gul Zahid. It is her father who has inspired her to take chess and she is now going to be one of the youngest participants at the Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012. Gul has been playing chess since she was six and recently qualified for the national team. A student of the Lahore Garrison School in Township, Gul won school chess championship back in 2010 after which she participated in the Punjab Chess Championship in June this year. She came third in the competition. Enjoy the videos.


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