India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Chess legend Kasparov to play Croatian President in Split

Russian chess grandmaster and former world chess champion Garry Kasparov will challenge Croatian President Ivo Josipovic, the Mayor of Split Zeljko Kerum and Croatian popstar Severina, in an exhibition game of chess in the city of Split on July 21, reports daly newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija. The project titled 'Chess together with School' is aimed at getting kids into the game of chess. One of the organisers of the social - sport event is photographer Fedja Klaric, and he says that the game of chess is great for the brain and helps with kids development.

"The manifesto 'Chess together with School' is aimed at motivating kids to play the game of chess. According to the latest research, playing chess actively uses both sides of the brain, unlike most other activities, contributing to a child's maximum development. Kasparov is a great promoter of the idea," said Klaric.

5th Mora Kings International Chess in Sri Lanka from Aug 3

The 5th 'Mora Kings' International Rating Chess Championships 2012 organised by the University of Moratuwa will be held at the University of Moratuwa from August 3-9, 2012, with a total cash prize of nearly Rs.2,50,000. 

Eligibility: Open to all
Champion - Trophy, Gold Medal & Rs. 50,000/=
1st Runner up - Silver Medal & Rs. 25,000/=
2nd Runner up - Bronze Medal & Rs. 15,000/=
4th -5th - Rs. 10,000/= each
6th to 12th - Rs. 5,000/= each

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Turkish Chess League Game of the Day: Judit Polgar-Rauf Mamedov 1-0

The Turkish Isbank Chess League has begun in Konya Rixos Hotel (Turkey) with defending champions Aquamatch losing to Besiktas Jimnastik Club with a 7-3 score. The only player from Aquamatch club who won was the world's strongest woman chess player Judit Polgar. She beat Rauf Mamedov and later, wrote on her FB page, "For a start, it is always great to have a win!...Black made his final mistake with 34...Bc6 in his time trouble, and I grabbed my chance and did not let it go!”

Want to replay the Judit Polgar-Rauf Mamedov game? Check out the Chess King Game Page.


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