India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Macau - From Casinos to Chess!

The Las Vegas of Asia is Macau. Gambling and casinos have been legal in the very beautiful Macau since the 1850s during the tenure of the Portuguese Government. Macau is known as the 'Monte Carlo of the Orient'! Gambling tourism is also Macau's biggest source of revenue making up about 50% of the economy. Western-style casinos came to Macau in the 20th century. It is delightful that chess is now coming to Macau as well!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July Chess Ratings: Magnus Carlsen at Record 2837; Anand Slips to 5th Place for Winning World Chess Championship!

World's Highest Rated Chess Player
Norway's Magnus Carlsen
Fide has released the July chess ratings which have World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen on a runaway lead with a record rating of 2837. The highest ever rating record is held by legendary 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov of an 'Everest elo' worth 2851!

The list of top players is published at dedicated page of FIDE ratings website. All players can check new ratings at the main page of FIDE ratings website or download TXT version from downloads page.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday Chess Puzzle - Two Smart Checkmates

We are back with our Saturday chess puzzle. This time there are two positions. In the first, White to play and checkmate in two. In the second, White to play and checkmate in three. Simple positions, but delightful nevertheless. Have a great weekend.

White to play and checkmate in two.
Move cursor to right after colon to read answer: Rg1

White to play and checkmate in three. 
Move cursor to right after colon to read answer: Nh3


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