India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tal Chess Round 6: Morozevich-Nakamura Game 0-1

Morozevich: Attack Lost
The 7th Tal Chess Memorial in Moscow has some of the strongest chess players in attendance. The round robin event, is taking place from June 8-18 at the Pashkov House. On Thursday, in Round 6, leader Alexander Morozevich lost his first game of the event to Hikaru Nakamura, the current US Chess Champion. However, Morozevich continues to maintain the lead in the tournament along with Vladimir Kramnik who scored a win over Evgeny Tomashevsky to catch up. You can check the Morozevich-Nakamura game in our Chess King applet in the expanded post.

Tal Chess Memorial Round 6: Kramnik Catches up With Morozevich for Joint Lead

Hikaru Nakamura
US Chess Champion 2012
Photo: Eteri Kublashvili
Former world chess champion Vladimir Kramnik caught up with leader Alexander Morozevich at the 7th Mikhail Tal Chess memorial in the sixth round with a second victory back-to-back. Hikaru Nakamura beat Alexander Morozevich as the latter got into time trouble. Kramnik beat Evgeny Tomashevsky. Meanwhile, Fabiano Caruana also beat Luke McShane. The other two games were drawn: Carlsen - Aronian and Grischuk - Radjabov.

Results of Round 6
1. Caruana - McShane 1-0
2. Kramnik - Tomashevsky 1-0
3. Morozevich - Nakamura 0-1
4. Carlsen - Aronian draw
5. Grischuk - Radjabov draw

Standings after Round 6
1-2. Kramnik, Morozevich - 4
3-5. Carlsen, Caruana, Radjabov - 3.5
6. Nakamura 3
7-8. Aronian, Grischuk - 2.5
9. McShane - 2
10.Tomashevsky - 1.5

Friday is a rest day at the Tal Chess Memorial

World Chess Fed: Karpov Says Major Leadership Changes Required

Former World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov has beaten GM Yasser Seirawan in an exhibition chess match in Saint Louis. The match concluded with Karpov winning 8-6 (1-1 classical, 1-1 rapid, 6-4 blitz-Karpov). 

A live press conference broadcast around the world was held after the chess match. During the press conference, Macauley Petersen relayed a question posted by Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum - the most definite chess website/blog on Black chess community (12:50 in video). Karpov was asked whether he had any additional political ambitions in FIDE after having lost the 2010 elections. Karpov said FIDE was “wrongly led” and suggested that the current leadership be removed. 


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