India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

World Chess Rapid & Blitz Qualifier: You Can Play if Rating 2300+

The World Chess Championship for Rapid and Blitz qualifiers will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan from July 1-5. The qualifiers are open to all players who have a rating of at least 2300. Applications have to be sent by the national federations only.
Participation fees
2300 - 2399 –100 USD
2400 – 2499 – 60 USD
2500 – 2600 - 35 USD
Above 2600 – no fee
Applications for participation are accepted before June 20, 2012.

The Rapid Chess Qualifier would be held as a nine-round Swiss chess tournament with the following time control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds. The top three winners will get free hotel accommodation costs and plane tickets to the world chess championship. Hotel costs and plane tickets for the world chess championship in the blitz section are free for the first three winners of the qualifier. 

Try Chess King to Improve Your Game Play

Chess King is a very affordable (Rs 2,500/- for limited time) and very powerful chess training software. Chess King comes with Houdini 2 - the strongest chess engine on the planet. With Chess King you can solve puzzles, play chess against Houdini, analyse your games, prepare for a particular opponent and access more than the five million game database called GigaKing. Here is a video by Steve Lopez explaining what is Chess King.

Tal Chess Video - Carlsen, Nepomniachtchi Ignoring Pretty Girls?

Here is a video from the 7th Mikhail Tal Chess Memorial that began in Moscow on June 7. The event had a unique method of drawing lots for deciding pairings for the first round. A special blitz chess event was held to decide the first-round pairings. Alexander Morozevich won the blitz event on tiebreak ahead of Magnus Carlsen. Here is a video of the first day by Eugene Potemkin.

Do you think chess stars Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi ignored the pretty girls?


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