India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Irritated Viswanathan Anand Spikes Critics (Kasparov Comments Links Updated)

World Chess Champion 2012 Viswanathan Anand, who has just won his fifth world title, hit out at chess great Gary Kasparov and other critics for suggesting that he lacked motivation.

"I think that this is the first time I have played a match where so many people seemed to have negative opinion about my play. And the thing is I do not think I lacked motivation," Anand said about his clash with Israel's Boris Gelfand, whom he beat in Moscow on Wednesday to win his fifth world title. The 42-year-old Anand told a news channel in an interview from Moscow that Kasparov "keeps talking about my age" but Gelfand was slightly older at 44.

Batumi Rapid Women's World Chess Championship: Humpy Just Half Point Behind Huang, Cramling

The first three rounds of the World Women's Chess Rapid Championship 2012 being held in Batumi were completed on Thursday. The strong competition includes top seed Anna Muzychuk, European women's chess champion Valentina Gunina, women's world chess championship finalist Koneru Humpy, European women's chess silver medalist Tatiana Kosintseva, former women's world chess champions Antoaneta Stefanova and Alexandra Kosteniuk, US women's chess champion Irina Krush, and Armenia's leading player Elina Danielian. 

Surprising Developments in the World Chess Championship Match

There is this real fun chess graphic in the Mad Magazine. It's great to share it with Chess Magazine Black and White Readers!
Thu, 05/31/2012 - 12:26 pm
The Editors
Yesterday, Viswanathan Anand successfully defended his title as World Chess Champion by defeating Boris Gelfand. Now, we know what you’re thinking — the only thing more boring than playing chess has got to be watching chess be played. Well that’s where you’re wrong! The match was filled with exciting, surprising events! Don’t get us wrong, it was still boring – but for a chess game, pretty exciting!


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