India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Crucial Game 11 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship (Betting odds Updated)

The crucial Game 11 is on today! Tune in to the live webcast from the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship via the official website at about India time 4.15 pm. Only two games in classical time control are left in the main match. If the score remains tied after Monday's game, a tiebreak would be played on Wednesday. There is a rest day on Sunday tomorrow.

 Game 10 underway on Thursday. Photos: Official Website.

Vladimir Potkin, Vladimir Below, 
and Anatoly Karpov gave a simul to talented children

Expectations from Game 11 at World Chess Championship 2012
  • Israel's Boris Gelfand, the challenger would use his White to the best advantage. The risk is great. Gelfand has been on the offensive and he would like to decide matters for once and all.
  • India's Vishy Anand has regained his rhythm. He has immense patience which he displayed in Game 9 by building an unbreakable fortress and letting Gelfand hammer at iron falls with no use.
  • Most people think it is to Vishy's advantage if the match goes into tiebreak. However, Gelfand has come this far by getting through a series of tiebreaks against some of the current top players in the world. We think, the tiebreak could be an advantage for Boris Gelfand. Though, a tiebreak in a match like this is almost a lottery.
  • A win by either player today could decide the match. 
  • Betting odds: Bookies predict 79% chances of draw in Gelfand-Anand Game 11, 11% chances of a Gelfand win with White and 10% chances of an Anand win with Black. European betting information odds improved for Gelfand to 85%. Another update - Bookie odds were revised to a 50% for draw in the tenth game at Game 10 Move 22. ...Be8

Friday, May 25, 2012

Robot Chess - Grischuk versus Kuka Monster Chess Video

A special robo chess event was held in Moscow recently on the sidelines of the 2012 Anand Gelfand World Chess Championship - The first world robot blitz chess championship. ChessKA beat KUKA Monster! Later, KUKA Monster also played with Russian Grandmaster and former world blitz chess champion Alexander Grishcuk. Here is a video report on the super chess event.

John Healy The Grass Arena Based Documentary on Prisoner-turned-Chess Master: Barbaric Genius

London author, chess master, ex-prisoner and former boxing champion John Healy is the subject of a new documentary 'Barbaric Genius' that opens this weekend in London. Faber & Faber published his book, 'The Grass Arena'. It went on to win the JR Ackerley Prize for autobiography. Harold Pinter described it as 'terrific'. A BBC film adaptation was praised to the hilt. Today, you can buy the book as a Penguin Classic, with an introduction by Daniel Day-Lewis. But do you know why author John Healy was blackballed by the publishing industry? Why none of his other books are readily available? Here is a trailer of the documentary.


He'd lived rough for 15 years on the streets of London under the Vagrancy Act, when begging carried an automatic three-year prison sentence; 'lulled, dulled [and] skulled' out of his head. He'd seen fellow winos killed with smashed bottles. He'd drank enough cheap and powerful alcohol to stun a mule. He'd hit the cliché rock bottom, and maybe even fashioned an even lower status for himself, as he journeyed through this subculture of dark desperation.

Finding himself in prison again, he met Harry The Fox, who taught him the dense art of chess. Healy was instantly hooked. He left prison a 30-year-old chess obsessive. He swapped drink for chess. Soon after he was playing masters, and winning championships. But it all became too much: as with the booze, chess consumed Healy. Eventually, he turned to writing. And naturally it was these extreme experiences and consequences of the homeless life that leaked out of him, and bled into his masterpiece, 'The Grass Arena'!


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