India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Game 10 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship

The fantastic broadcast of Game 10 in the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship Match from Moscow - the Mecca of Chess - would continue today at the official website

In the ninth game, Viswanathan Anand decided against the Slav Defence and played the Nimzo-Indian Defence with black. In response, Boris Gelfand selected the solid Rubinstein System. Following the opening, White acquired moveable pawns in the centre and an advantage of two bishops; at the same time the Black positions had no weaknesses. Soon the challenger had an opportunity to deal a blow to the centre with a move of 19.с5. As a result of this tactical operation, White won a queen for a rook, bishop and pawn. Experts believed that a draw was the most likely outcome, but White nevertheless still had a small chance for victory. Gelfand tried long and hard to undermine the black defence, although he may not have acted as accurately as he should have. White managed to open the kingside, however Anand successfully restructured his forces and with his concise play fought off all threats from his opponent after building a fortress. The opponents agreed to a draw on the forty-ninth move. You can replay all the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet. You cannot afford to miss any of the games now in the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match Game 9 Moves - Gelfand Tries Hard Against Anand Fortress!

Result Gelfand-Anand Game 9: 1/2-1/2

Match Score: 4.5-4.5 (Photo: Official Website)

Israel's Boris Gelfand - the challenger to world chess champion India's Vishy Anand - continued to press with White all the way to 49 moves in Game 9 of the 2012 World Chess Championship, but had to settle for a draw eventually. The Nimzo-Indian opening was played for the first time in the 2012 World Chess Championship match today. Gelfand had a slight edge with the pair of bishops and hanging central pawns and even went for a continuation that left him with a Queen against Anand's Rook and Knight with four and five pawns each. However, Anand was precise and stayed put with his fortress. The score in Moscow is now 4.5-4.5. 

Game 10 will be played on Thursday and broadcast live on the official website as usual. Friday would be a rest day. If the score remains 6-6, a rapid/blitz tiebreak will decide the champion on Wednesday next week. You can replay the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet.

Moscow Chess Romance (Москва Шахматы Романтика)

Moscow - the only city in the world where you can lose your heart to chess and girls at the same time. An exciting video here (even if you don't understand the French) by GM Robert Fontaine for EuropeEchecs. Enjoy the video as Game 9 in the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship as the endgame struggle continues.


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