India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Congratulations to 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match Officials in Moscow (поздравления чиновников)

The Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship has brought great joy to all of us around the world. Not only has their media handling, 2012 world championship official website, and live broadcast been fantastic, but the organization of the event has been swell too. Time we knew the officials. Congratulations to the officials of the 2012 World Chess Championship.


Chief Arbiter:
IA Ashot Vardapetian (Armenia)
Deputy: IA Hal Bond (Canada)

Appeals Committee: Chairman: Kurt Jungwirth (Austria), Boris Kutin (Slovenia),Jorge Vega (Guatemala)

FIDE Supervisor: Georgios Makropoulos (Greece)

FIDE Press Officer: Anastasia Karlovich (Ukraine)

Press Officer of RCF: Mark Glukhovsky (Russia)

Organising Committee: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, ArkadyDvorkovich; Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Alexander Zhukov; General Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Irina Lebedeva; Chairman of the Management Board of the Russian Chess Federation, Ilya Levitov; and match sponsors, businessmen Andrey Filatov and Guennadi Timtchenko.

Why Israel's Boris Gelfand could win Game 9 - Watch Live Today (Поэтому Борис Гельфанд мог выиграть сегодня)

All polls say India's Vishy Anand is the favourite to win the 2012 World Chess Championship against Israel's Boris Gelfand. BUT - the question is - could challenger Boris Gelfand hold his own and really make a big upset against all odds? Here are five reasons why this could be a possibility in today's Game 9 at the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship expected to be an exciting one:

1-Boris Gelfand plays White in Game 9 and he has that statistical/theoretical/rhetorical advantage
2-Viswanathan Anand is Gelfand-beatable (We saw that in Game 8!)
3-Gelfand's fear of a loss is gone!!! He knows the whiff of victory. Not as impossible as everyone said.
4-Gelfand's wife Maya has sent a message of 'He can!'
5-Gelfand's victory over Anand in Game 8 was more to do with his hold over the game as compared to Anand's victory in Game 9 that was more to do with Gelfand's blunder.

B&W wishes both the players and all chess players a great Anand, Gelfand Game 9 at the 2012 World Chess Championship 2012 today available live at the official website.

Anand, Gelfand Game 9 Live Today! Gelfand confesses he adopted risky line in Game 8

The Anand, Gelfand 2012 Game 9 Live would be available at the World Chess Championship official website within a few hours. Russian Champion Peter Svidler would be in the commentary room today. The Game 9 moves would be available here at B&W website right after the game. Meanwhile, in the press conference after Game 8, Israel's Boris Gelfand confessed that he had adopted a risky line in the game. 

Israel's Boris Gelfand and India's Viswanathan Anand at Game 8 press conference. Photo: Fide.
During the press conference, which took place immediately after the game, Boris Gelfand confessed that he simply failed to spot white's 17. Qf2. After playing 14...Qf6, he could only see 17. Qf4, after which white would have to play either 18. Bd3 or 18. Bh3. The Israeli grandmaster also considered the possibility of offering a losing exchange after a potential 15. Kc2 Nf4 16. Ne4 continuation. An interesting position appeared after 16... Re4 17. fe. “I played a risky variation and thought it would turn out okay, but I didn't anticipate White's last move. It's difficult to say where I could have played better. I think that, if this variation fails, then the whole concept is wrong. Of course, I could have just played Knight to g7 or f6 on the 14th move instead of Qf6, but then Black's position would have been worse after 15. h4.”


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