India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label grischuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grischuk. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2012

Best Chess Radio Show on the Planet: The Full English Breakfast 025

Okay folks, let's say it: No one does it better than them - The Full English Breakfast chess radio show is here with the 25th episode. MUST HEAR.
Episode 025 - Olympiadding it Up
The Stevie G. behind the scenes report, with Grischuk, Leko and Mamedyarov.(Below-right: Sergei Movsesian, Levon Aronian, Arshok Petrosian. Credit: Macauley Peterson)

Donate to the show to be entered into THE BIG RAFFLE! Listen for details! (Radio player in extended post).

Friday, August 31, 2012

Istanbul Chess Olympiad R3 - Both Indian Teams Continue Winning Spree

GM P Harikrishana
flying the Indian flag high
Indian teams at the Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012 continued with a steady performance winning the third round in both the open and women's section. GMs P Harikrihsna and Abhijeet Gupta beat former world chess championship candidate Alexander Beliavsky and Malej Sebenik for a 3-1 victory. The other two games were draw. Tania Sachdev scored an important win for India over Lilit Galojan even as other three boards were draw. Both the teams play the fourth round on the top board. Eight more rounds have to be played and the tough part begins now.

Indian pairings for Round 4 are as follows:

United States Of America - India 
1.1 GM Nakamura, Hikaru 2778 - GM Sasikiran, Krishnan 2707
1.2 GM Kamsky, Gata 2746 - GM Harikrishna, Pentala 2685
1.3 GM Onishuk, Alexander 2666 - GM Negi, Parimarjan 2664
1.4 GM Akobian, Varuzhan 2617 - GM Gupta, Abhijeet 2637

India - Serbia 
1.1 GM Dronavalli, Harika 2503 - IM Bojkovic, Natasa 2392
1.2 IM Karavade, Eesha S 2371 - WGM Manakova, Maria 2304
1.3 IM Sachdev, Tania 2379 - WIM Rakic, Marija 2300
1.4 WGM Gomes, Mary Ann 2396 - WGM Benderac, Ana 2266

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tal Chess Memorial Round 3: Radjabov, Morozevich Lead; Aronian loses to Tomashevsky

The 7th Tal Chess memorial Round 3 saw World No. 2 use a dangerous line against last seed Evgeny Tomashevsky. But, as World Chess Championship challenger Boris Gelfand would say, ratings are nothing. Tomashevsky took the call and beat Levon Aronian. Meanwhile, Alexander Morozevich beat Alexander Grischuk to move up with Teimour Radjabov in joint lead. All games saw exciting play with none of the grandmasters hesitating to experiment or try a sacrifice!

Hikaru Nakamura
Round 3 results:
Carlsen – Caruana draw
Grischuk – Morozevich 0-1
Radjabov – Kramnik draw
Aronian – McShane 0-1
Nakamura – Tomashevsky draw

Round 3 standings:
1-2. Morozevich, Radjabov – 2,5
3. Kramnik – 2
4-5. Aronian, Carlsen – 1,5
6-10. Grischuk, Caruanа, McShane, Nakamura, Tomashevsky – 1

Round 4 pairings (June 12th): Morozevich – Radjabov, Carlsen – Grischuk, Kramnik – Aronian, McShane – Nakamura and Caruana – Tomashevsky. Monday is the rest day.

You can watch the live broadcast of the 7th Tal Chess Memorial Live at the official website from India time 4.30 pm onwards.
(Photos by Eteri Kublashvili)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Candidates Chess Matches 2011 - The Grischuk Game That Brought Gelfand to Moscow

What brought Israel's Boris Gelfand to the World Chess Championship 2012 in Moscow? Israeli Boris Gelfand won the last - sixth game - in the FIDE Candidates Matches 2011 final in Kazan against Russian Alexander Grischuk to become the challenger for the World Champion Viswanathan Anand from India and is therefore, now playing in Moscow.
In the press conference immediately after the sixth game Gelfand had said he was lucky when Grischuk chose a variation in Gruenfeld which was very familiar to him. With novelty in move 13 white really surprised Russian GM and after move 16 the clocks depicted a very unusual picture: black had spent exactly one hour more than white: Gelfand – 9 minutes, Grischuk – 1 hour and 9 minutes. It was a great game for the Israeli Grandmaster Boris Gelfand as it was the biggest success of his chess career. 

Tomorrow - Monday, May 28, is Game 12 of the Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship 2012 in the classical control. You can watch Game 12 Live from India time 4.15 onwards at the official website of the world chess championship. 

You can replay the Grischuk-Gelfand chess game 6 from the Kazan Candidates Matches 2011 in our Chess King applet.


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