India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label chess training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chess training. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Holiday chess Shopping: Ultimate Chess Trainer Chess King

Chess King 4 is in stock! With the newest and coolest engine Houdini 4 and Houdini 4 Pro. They have just updated the page . Huge power and very easy to use, just what's needed for 2014. Happy holidays to everyone!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend Chess Tactic Test: Three Chess Puzzles!

Chess tactics help you capitalize on all the effort you put into improving your position. Here are three positions from real games. Can you figure out the best way to win? Test your chess tactics this weekend with Chess King!

Position 1: White to play and win. Mendoza-Diaz, Colombia, 1996. Should White retreat the Bishop from h6 as the mate threat on g7 is thwarted by the Black Queen on f6? Check your answer with Chess King.

Position 2: White to play and win. Balinov-Cebalo, Graz, 1996. This position has an unusual tactical idea that is normally difficult to spot. Can you find the trick move for a win? Check your answer with Chess King.

Position 3: White to play and win. Alekhine-Reshevsky, Kemeri, 1937. Black is not only a pawn up but is training forces on the g2 pawn. However, Rd2 by Black was actually a blunder. Do you know how Alekhine goes on to win? Check the answer with Chess King.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Try Chess King to Improve Your Game Play

Chess King is a very affordable (Rs 2,500/- for limited time) and very powerful chess training software. Chess King comes with Houdini 2 - the strongest chess engine on the planet. With Chess King you can solve puzzles, play chess against Houdini, analyse your games, prepare for a particular opponent and access more than the five million game database called GigaKing. Here is a video by Steve Lopez explaining what is Chess King.


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