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Showing posts with label anand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anand. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

World Championship 2013: Best Updates

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Top 3 Chess Videos - Gelfand, Netanyahu, Filatov

Even as World Chess Champion India's Viswanathan Anand and his Challenger Israel's Boris Gelfand get home to grand welcomes, chess videos are being watched by thousands on YouTube. We just picked Sunday's top 3 chess videos with most number of views - relating to the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Title Match.

The first video is about Gelfand landing at Ben Gurion Airport, the second is about Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu watching Game 12 of the Anand-Gelfand match, and main sponsor of the World Chess Championship Andrey Filatov speaking about future chess sponsorship plans.

You might also like to read one of our previous Anand, Gelfand World Chess 2012 Match post: Who Is Andrey Filatov?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Surprising Developments in the World Chess Championship Match

There is this real fun chess graphic in the Mad Magazine. It's great to share it with Chess Magazine Black and White Readers!
Thu, 05/31/2012 - 12:26 pm
The Editors
Yesterday, Viswanathan Anand successfully defended his title as World Chess Champion by defeating Boris Gelfand. Now, we know what you’re thinking — the only thing more boring than playing chess has got to be watching chess be played. Well that’s where you’re wrong! The match was filled with exciting, surprising events! Don’t get us wrong, it was still boring – but for a chess game, pretty exciting!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anand a Draw and Few Minutes Away from Becoming World Chess Champion 2012

World chess champion Viswanathan Anand of India is just a draw away and a few minutes from keeping his crown! He is leading Israeli challenger Boris Gelfand in a rapid tiebreaker for deciding the title in Moscow.

Tied at 6-6 after 12 games, the champion and the challenger are playing four rapid games with a time limit of 25 minutes per player. Anand and Gelfand drew the first game. The second game was an exciting win for Vishy Anand. They drew the third game and Gelfand is now playing the fourth game to save the match against Anand. The score favours Anand 2-1 points.

Hundreds of chess fans are watching Wednesday's tiebreak in a hall at the State Tretyakov Gallery, one of Russia's finest museums. The winner takes home $1.5 million, while the loser is awarded $1 million. Anand last successfully defended his title in 2010 against Bulgarian challenger Veselin Topalov.

Andrey Filatov: I’m Pleased that Museums Want to Hold Chess Tournaments

Main sponsor Andrey Filatov of the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship has said that he is very pleased about his idea of holding a chess event in a museum has found favor with organisers around the world. Filatov was speaking to Eteri Kublashvili for a special interview ahead of the tiebreaks that would decide the 2012 World Chess Champion in Moscow on Wednesday. Here are excerpts from the interview via the official website.

2012 Anand, Gelfand Match Tiebreak Live Today from 1.30 pm India Time

Anand, Gelfand explain Game 12 Draw

The exciting and historic chess day for deciding the 2012 Anand-Gelfand World Chess Championship is here and the games would be broadcast live from India time 1 pm via the official website.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Chess Fan Israeli PM Netanyahu Follows Anand, Gelfand Game 12 Live

Gelfand playing chess with
Israeli PM Netanyahu and
Sharansky in 2010.
Jerusalem: Chess has really caught on in Israel thanks to Grandmaster Boris Gelfand playing the 2012 World Chess Championship against India's Viswanathan Anand in Moscow. Game 12 - the last one in the classical time controls during the match - was played on Monday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is a chess lover followed the entire match even during his busy schedule! 

The official website off the championship had a high-definition live broadcast of Game 12 - as of all other games - and the same was relayed on a giant screen in a room next to Prime Minister Netanyahu's office. The Israeli Prime Minister watched the game along with former minister Natan Sharansky in between meetings.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu loves chess and is known to promote it enthusiastically. He had met Israeli Grandmaster Gelfand in March 2010. Meanwhile, thousands of Israeli chess fans have landed in Moscow to cheer their favourite chess player. Gelfand is the first Israeli chess player to have gone so far high up on the chess ladder. 

Anand and Gelfand are tied at 6-6 points after 12 chess games of classical time control and a tiebreak would be held on Wednesday to decide the 2012 World Chess Champion. You can follow the live broadcast of the chess match tiebreak from India time 1 pm onwards at the official website.

World Chess Championship 2012 Goes into Tiebreak Slugfest with Game 12 Draw

World Chess Championship 2012 
Game 12 about to begin. Photo: Official Website.

Game 12 of the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championshi phas ended in a draw. The match will now be decided on Wednesday with a rapid/blitz tiebreak. In Game 12, the opening was another Rossolimo Sicilian and although Anand seemed to be in an attacking mode initially, the game ended in a draw in 22 moves.You can tune in to the live tiebreak broadcast of the 2012 World Chess Championship on May 30, Wednesday at the official website at 1 pm India time.

The World Chess Championship 2012 is being staged in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, between the current World Champion Viswanathan Anand of India and the winner of the Candidates tournament Boris Gelfand of Israel. The match is over twelve games and lasts from May 11 to 30. The prize fund is US $2.55 million, the winner getting $1.53 million (60%), the loser $1.02 million (40%).

Here are the Game 12 moves to replay in our Chess King applet

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Piece for Every Chess Game - Dedicating a Tretyakov Masterpiece to Every Game at Anand-Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship (Посвящение шедевры Третьяковской Каждая игра в 2012 году, Ананд, Гельфанд Чемпионате мира по шахматам)

The venue for the 2012 World Chess Championship between India's reigning world chess champion and challenger Israel's Boris Gelfand is a unique one. The Match is being staged in the Tretyakov State Gallery in Moscow. After a 6-6 equal score, for the first time in the history of chess, a rapid/blitz tiebreak play would decide the champion! 

But, back to art and chess. They indeed go together. Theory of technique, style, and methods all find a fascinating interpretation – a unique one at that – in a master's hands: both in art and chess. 

Every single position during a chess game is a work of art. Every move creates a new painting. Every chess player is an artist. Like for art, interpretation is everything.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most famous museums in the world. Its collection highlights Russian art with exclusive completeness from the ancient time (11-12th century) to the present day. 

Shilpa Mehra dedicates masterpieces from the Tretyakov Gallery to each of the 12 games of classical control at the 2012 World Chess Championship between Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand. Read this full special chess article here.

Gelfand: Vishy is not just an excellent speed chess player – he’s an excellent player in all time controls!

At the press conference after Game 11, the challenger explained why he had spent almost 40 minutes pondering the opening. “What can I say? We were playing a rare system, and you hardly ever see 8...Bd7. I knew it was an important moment – White had to decide what to do next. I had many options... I came up with a basic plan and started to play a lot quicker. The first critical moment arose at the 16th move. I spent a lot of time on this move as well because I knew that White had quite a few options once again. I needed to get my pawn to a5 somehow and play Ne5. I started by moving the knight. Perhaps 17.a4 would have been a more accurate move.”

Game 12 Live Today 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship 4.15 pm India Time

Day 19 of the World Chess Championship 2012 between India's Viswanathan Anand and Israel's Boris Gelfand is here with chess Game 12 - the final one - to be played today. If the world chess champion is still not decided today and the game ends in a draw, the tiebreak would be played on Wednesday. You can watch Game 12 Live on the official website from India time 4.15 pm onwards. In the commentary box would be 14th world chess champion (2000) Vladimir Kramnik of Russia and New in Chess editor Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam.

As you know, the world chess championship 2012 is being held in a most beautiful venue - the Tretyakov Gallery.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who Is Andrey Filatov? - Forbes Profile, Interview of 2012 World Chess Championship Main Sponsor

This is the English version of the interview with Andrey Filatov - the main sponsor of the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship in Moscow. It appeared in Russian in Kommersant.

The opening of the main chess event of the season – the world championship match between Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand – is taking place at the State Tretyakov Gallery. The driving force behind staging this contest in Moscow and the main sponsor of the match, ANDREY FAILATOV, a shareholder in the N-Trans Group, told Kommersant’s correspondent ALEXEY DOSPEKHOV why he decided to invest money in chess and how he plans to change the economics of chess and link it to Russian art.

– I’m primarily interested, of course, in your motivation. Why finance a world championship chess match? Is it to boost your own image, a desire to help the sport you were very seriously involved in when you were young?

– A country that fights for all the major international events – the APEC summit, the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup, the Universiade – simply cannot ignore a competition which at one time was one of its main symbols. When Boris Gelfand, who was a student friend of mine, won the candidates’ tournament, he said that the venue for the match had not been decided yet, but there were various rumours going around that it would be either in India or somewhere else. It turned out that there had indeed been no application from Moscow, so I had a think and decided we had to try.

Click on photo to see
Andrey Filatov's Forbes profile
– You realised there was a good chance of winning?
– On the contrary, I wasn’t sure we would win the right to host the match. But I could see that in any case one way or another there would be a winner. If Moscow’s bid failed, Boris Gelfand would earn a bigger prize fund, because the rival bid would have to beat it with money. And if it won, so much the better: the country would gain a serious competition that had not been staged here in the history of modern Russia. You’ll agree that’s a simple and understandable motive. Then it started to develop in terms of the current situation with chess, a new economics of chess, and the main points on which it could be based.

World Chess Championship 2012 Game 12 - Revisiting Topalov-Anand 2010

Everyone has just one thought about the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship? Will Anand win the last chess game of classical time control like he did against Veselin Topalov in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2010? 
(In Chess King diagram on left: The crucial 31. ...e4 that led Anand to a World Chess Championship victory against Topalov in 2010. Replay the game at the end of this post.)

Defending world chess champion Viswanathan Anand will have White in Monday's last game. He had won with Black against Topalov in 2010! The scores in the Anand, Gelfand match are tied at 5.5-5.5 after 11 games. But, Gelfand has proven to be much tougher than Topalov. In the 2012 world chess match, both the challenger and the champion have already shared one victory each. Should Game 12 also end in a draw tiebreak games of shorter duration will be played to determine the winner.
In case of a draw in the last game, the players will play four rapid games first and then, if necessary, five sets of two blitz games to decide the crown. An Armageddon game is the last possibility. Gelfand is not too bothered about Anand's expertise at shorter versions of the game. "I would say that with all his results Vishy has proved that he is one of the best, or maybe the best at all-time controls. Look at his record — otherwise he wouldn't have been world champion for so many years," he said.
Meanwhile, "Israelis are indeed showing their pride and support for Gelfand. Many hardcore chess fans have come to Moscow to see the match in person, as opposed to following it online like tens of thousands of others are doing," reported daily Ha`aretz, as the championship is generating more and more interest in the Israeli public. 

Several Israelis arrived in the Russian capital a few days before the match started. Even though lodging in one of the world`s most expensive cities requires both daring and deep pockets, many continue to follow as the match enters the final stages. 

"And those aren`t even the bulk of Gelfand`s supporters, who are expected to arrive. That group includes several high-ranking chess players and a fair number of amateurs, who decided to combine a tour of Moscow`s countless historical sites with the final stage of the match," the report added.

A lot of these amateur and professional chess players have gathered in the centre of Israel to watch the match. 

"Of course, the chess players are excited about this," Yoav Nissenbaum, a member of the Israel Chess Federation said, adding, "This is the first time that an Israeli has made it to the world championship." Ido Ben Artzi, a 17-year-old grandmaster, says that he hardly misses a single move in the match.

"I try to get home in time. I go over the game and see what I think of every single move, without relying on the commentary for help. That`s how I put myself in the players` places," he said. Replay the last 2010 Topalov-Anand World Chess Championship Game in our Chess King applet.

Anand, Gelfand Game 11 in 2012 World Chess Match - Vishy Surprises Gelfand With 8. ... Bd7

The chess move surprise that Boris Gelfand had prepared for Viswanathan Anand in Game 10 got a reply in the form of another surprise chess move from the reigning world chess champion in Game 11. Anand chose the Nimzo-Indian Defence for Black (like in Game 9) and left his opponent thinking very, very long after 8…Bd7. 

 Photos: Official Website

Eventually, of course, the Queens were traded and though Boris Gelfand held the advantage of two bishops, the “hanging pawns” in the centre came under fire from enemy rooks. On the twentieth move, the Indian grandmaster launched tactical operations in the centre, preventing his opponent from stabilising the situation and strengthening his advantage. Running out of time to think, Gelfand decided to simplify things after which their positions were completely equalised. On the 24th move, the opponents agreed to a draw. 
The guests of honour on May 26 were the famous Russian musicians, pianist Nikolai Lugansky and cellist Alexander Knyazev. Former world chess champion Vladimir Kramnik delivered a lecture to children and parents and also took numerous questions from the young audience. The world's second highest rated chess grandmaster Levon Aronian also visited the venue briefly.
Following Game 11, the score is even at 5.5-5.5. Sunday, May 27, is an off-day at the match. Game 12 - the final one with classical time control - will be held on Monday, May 28. Viswanathan Anand will play White. If the score is still even after this game, the world champion will be determined by a tiebreak (in games with accelerated time control) on Wednesday, May 30. As always, you can watch the excellent live broadcast of Game 12 of the 2012 World Chess Championship at the official website.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match Game 9 Moves - Gelfand Tries Hard Against Anand Fortress!

Result Gelfand-Anand Game 9: 1/2-1/2

Match Score: 4.5-4.5 (Photo: Official Website)

Israel's Boris Gelfand - the challenger to world chess champion India's Vishy Anand - continued to press with White all the way to 49 moves in Game 9 of the 2012 World Chess Championship, but had to settle for a draw eventually. The Nimzo-Indian opening was played for the first time in the 2012 World Chess Championship match today. Gelfand had a slight edge with the pair of bishops and hanging central pawns and even went for a continuation that left him with a Queen against Anand's Rook and Knight with four and five pawns each. However, Anand was precise and stayed put with his fortress. The score in Moscow is now 4.5-4.5. 

Game 10 will be played on Thursday and broadcast live on the official website as usual. Friday would be a rest day. If the score remains 6-6, a rapid/blitz tiebreak will decide the champion on Wednesday next week. You can replay the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match: Can You Guess Whom Do Chess Legends Mark Dvoretsky and Anatoly Bykhovsky Support?

In the press centre of the Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship Match 2012, Mark Dvoretsky and Anatoly Bykhovsky shared their views on FischerRandom Chess with Evgeny Potemkin of ChessNews and also said who they support in the Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship Match 2012 in Moscow. 
Can you guess who they support as the next world chess champion? 
This chess video is in Russian, but we have a translation by Maria Khondoga for our English audience here at Chess Magazine Black and White.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

World Chess Championship 2012 - Replay Drawn Game 3 Moves with Chess King

All set for Game 3 of World Chess Championship in Moscow: Viswananthan Anand and Boris Gelfand. Photo: Fide.

Game 3 Result: 1/2-1/2
Anand-Gelfand Match Score: 1.5-1.5

The third game was an exciting one keeping everyone on the edge. The world chess championship 2012 is just warming up, we suppose. Moscow -- and the rest of the world -- witnessed an exciting chess encounter between reigning world chess champion and his challenger on Monday. Boris Gelfand and Viswanathan Anand agreed to a draw after 37 moves. You can replay the game in our Chess King applet.


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