India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label alexei shirov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alexei shirov. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2013

ACO Chess School: Scientific 5-Step Method for YOUR Individual Level

Many chess players have 10, 20, 25, and some even have more than 30 chess books and DVDs about chess openings on their bookshelf. Although they spend a lot of time and money, they can not achieve the progress that they expect.

Why is that?
Publications that deal with a specific topic in detail, are usually only relevant for the Grandmaster level or theoretical discussions. Books can, nowadays, be created only with the help of powerful computers. No writer can afford to be later criticised by one of his readers or Grandmaster colleagues. Moreover, an author cannot write a book for an individual. He needs to reach out to a cross-section of readers. Everyone is also at a different level of learning.

And, let's be honest, what amateur player has the the time, all of these variants to remember?
Amateurs do not need Grandmaster theory, but have to start learning from their level of chess strength. 

The ACO Online Chess School has developed a scientific 5-step approach that makes learning of openings easy for amateur players. Through specially designed databases and analyzes, they show you the opening lines that are found at your level of play... and all in a way so that YOU can remember and improve.

The ACO Online School Concept:
Step 1) You buy the ACO questionnaire
Step 2) evaluation of the questionnaire by the team (cost of questionnaire and evaluation 20 €)
Step 3) Written evaluation and individual suggestions for further training
Step 4) selection of proposals and creating the database by the expert team
Step 5) guidance
The ACO Online chess school team creates your opening lines individually based on your strengths, weaknesses, skill level and preferences. They calculate them using the questionnaire, which consists of over 100 questions and chess tests on all areas of chess.
You need only a single variant or a single system to complete your existing repertoire?  For example, a variant of white against the Sicilian or a variant for Black against the Trompowsky variant?
Or do you want your entire repertoire of example 1.e4 on 1.d4 move and look great masterly advice and concrete suggestions variant? Or you want to check your repertoire or individual variants or leave brush? Or have a completely different challenge with your openings?

Contact the ACO Chess School team of Grandmasters and International Masters and obtain a free custom quote. Read all about the ACO Chess School at their official website and their scientific method of training to play professional chess from whichever level you are at. 

Over 2000 worth of chess videos FREE
  • Over 45 hours of video training
  • 1-year access to all 200 videos of GM Zigurds Lanka (in German language)
  • 1-year access to all 20 videos by GM Alexei Shirov (in plain English)
  • In addition to access to our videos you have the exclusive opportunity with our team to get in touch and let us know your suggestions or requests for more videos.
  • Access automatically ends after 365 days and can be extended.
  • No subscription.
  • After acquisition of the 1-year access, please contact us by email your login information to the online video library.

"ACO Online Chess School videos will always show a realistic chessboard. The team wants you to learn chess as you later see it on the board. Realistic - and thus better multiples received in your long term memory!"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Grischuk Wins ACP Chess Rapid Knockout 2013 in Riga

Grandmaster Alexander Grischuk of Russia has won the fifth edition of the ACP Rapid Knockout Cup - 2013 in Riga, Latvia. The final match Grischuk-Nepomniachtchi reached the Armageddon stage, after the players drew both rapid games after exciting fight, and later exchanged the victories in the blitz games. In the final game, Grischuk gained an advantage in the opening, and emerged victorious.

Ian Nepomniachtchi plays 44. ...Kf4. Grischuk went for 45. QxRg7. Can you see a spot another great continuation for Grischuk?

Grischuk, Alexander - Nepomniachtchi, Ian

Result: 1-0
Site: Riga
Date: 2013.09.15
[...] 1.d4 ♘f6 2.c4 g6 3.♘f3 ♗g7 4.e3 O-O 5.♗e2 d5 6.cxd5 ♘xd5 7.e4 ♘b6 8.O-O ♗g4 9.♘bd2 ♘c6 10.d5 ♘b8 11.a4 c6 12.a5 ♘6d7 13.h3 ♗xf3 14.♘xf3 ♘f6 15.♕b3 ♕c8 16.♗g5 ♘xe4 17.♗xe7 ♖e8 18.d6 ♘xd6 19.♗xd6 ♖xe2 20.♘g5 ♕d7 21.♖ae1 ♖xb2 22.♕c4 ♘a6 23.♖e7 ♕f5 24.♖xf7 ♕d5 25.♖xg7+ ♔xg7 26.♕c3+ ♔g8 27.♕xb2 ♕xd6 28.♕xb7 ♘c7 29.♘e4 ♕e5 30.♕xc6 ♖f8 31.♕c4+ ♔g7 32.♖d1 ♖f7 33.♘c5 h5 34.f3 ♕e3+ 35.♔h1 ♕f2 36.♕c3+ ♔h7 37.♖d8 ♖g7 38.♘e4 ♕f1+ 39.♔h2 ♕b5 40.♘f6+ ♔h6 41.♖h8+ ♔g5 42.♘e4+ ♔f4 43.♕xg7
43.g3+ ♔f5 44.♕f6# (0:00:00),42...Kf4 Yes it's checkmate in two! But any way, Grischuk is winning all the way since quite some time.
43...♘d5 44.♕d4 and Nepomniachtchi resigned!

Earlier, Grischuk knocked out Peter Svidler and Nepomniachtchi knocked out Ponomariov in the semi-finals. The final match was commented jointly by Grandmasters Alexei Shirov (who was replaced by GM Artur Neiksans during the tie-break) and Emil Sutovsky. All the photos and videos are available on the official website: The ACP Cup was organised by the Association of Chess Professionals together with the Latvian Chess Federation. The venue for the tournament is provided by Rietumu Bank, which has one of the best premises in Riga for hosting exhibitions, auctions and other cultural and intellectual events. The bank is also participating in the financing of the tournament.

The Association of Chess Professionals (ACP) is a not-for-profit organisation, whose main purpose is the protection of chess professionals’ rights and the practice and promotion of chess worldwide, in particular through the organisation of chess tournaments and other chess events. (All photos by Lennart Ootes).

* ACP Rapid Chess in Riga: Spectacular Knockout with 16 Fighters Sept 13-15
* ACP Rapid Chess Riga Day 1: Three Easy Knockout Punches to Enjoy


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