India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label 2012 anand gelfand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 anand gelfand. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kasparov for a Powerful New Image to Chess Minus Kirsan

Garry Kasparov Updates from Mosow, Franfurt and New York: The Frankfurter Allgemeine story about legendary 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov´s commitment to ousting FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov from in the 2014 elections is now online at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sports Section. The interview was conducted by Stefan Loffler in Moscow on the sidelines of the recently-concluded 2012 Anand-Gelfand World Chess Championship Match. 

Kasparov´s emphasis is on replacing the current FIDE
President. His own candidacy is quite possible but far from a
certainty. The day the interview was published (June 14) in the print edition of FAZ, FIDE announced another meeting of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov with members of the Syrian regime.

Kasparov is quoted in the interview as saying, Ilyumzhinov has damaged the image of chess because the moment you google Fide, all you come up with is Assad, Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein so no international sponsor would like to connect with Fide. 

Kasparov has reiterated that the Sports Page is not enough and Chess needs a powerful new image for its educational value. 

Also Read on B&W:

Kasparov with Michael Khodarkovsky, president of the Kasparov Chess Foundation. (Mig Greengard)
Meanwhile, on June 16, the Garry Kasparov Foundation celebrated their 10th anniversary in New York. There is a detailed report in The Daily Beast. Kasparov spoke about the political regime in Russia and its excesses, chess in schools, Fide president and links with dictators, etc. A detailed article that's a must read.

For the occasion, Kasparov was honored with a cake, and students from all over the area gathered for a “friendly tournament.” Michael Khodarkovsky, the director of the foundation and a longtime friend of Kasparov from their days on the chess circuit in the Soviet Union, explained that all the kids would be getting a medal for just participating.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

World Chess Championship 2012: Nerves to Decide Anand, Gelfand Match

Tiebreak Format

Tune in for the tiebreak live broadcast of 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship - India time 1.30 pm on Wednesday, May 30, at official website

How many games will be played? It could be four rapid games, 10 blitz games and an Armageddon! In fact, fans could witness as many as 15 fast and furious chess games between India's reigning world chess champion Viswanathan Anand and Israel's challenger Boris Gelfand. World Champions who have won the crown on tiebreaks include Anatoly Karpov in 1998; Rustam Kasimdzhanov in 2004 and Vladimir Kramnik in 2006. The system of tiebreaks has not been applied in the World Chess Championship for quite some time. 

India's Viswanathan Anand starts as favourite for the rapid games on Wednesday. Traditionalists view the tiebreaks as a profane method to decide a world chess championship match of the classical time controls. 

Tiebreak Rules:
Colors will be drawn and four rapid games will be played. The time control for these games will be 25 minutes plus 10 seconds per move. If the score is tied after the four rapid tie break games, colors will be drawn and two blitz games (5 minutes plus 10 seconds increment per move) will be played. If the score is tied after two blitz games, another two-game blitz match will be played, under the same terms. The process will repeat, if necessary, until five blitz matches have been played.

If the score is tied after ten blitz games, a single sudden-death Armageddon game will determine the champion. The winner of a draw of lots gets to choose the colour to play, with white given 5 minutes and Black 4 minutes. Beginning with move 61, a three-second increment will be added following each move. If the game is drawn then the player of the Black pieces is declared champion.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Crucial Game 11 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship (Betting odds Updated)

The crucial Game 11 is on today! Tune in to the live webcast from the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship via the official website at about India time 4.15 pm. Only two games in classical time control are left in the main match. If the score remains tied after Monday's game, a tiebreak would be played on Wednesday. There is a rest day on Sunday tomorrow.

 Game 10 underway on Thursday. Photos: Official Website.

Vladimir Potkin, Vladimir Below, 
and Anatoly Karpov gave a simul to talented children

Expectations from Game 11 at World Chess Championship 2012
  • Israel's Boris Gelfand, the challenger would use his White to the best advantage. The risk is great. Gelfand has been on the offensive and he would like to decide matters for once and all.
  • India's Vishy Anand has regained his rhythm. He has immense patience which he displayed in Game 9 by building an unbreakable fortress and letting Gelfand hammer at iron falls with no use.
  • Most people think it is to Vishy's advantage if the match goes into tiebreak. However, Gelfand has come this far by getting through a series of tiebreaks against some of the current top players in the world. We think, the tiebreak could be an advantage for Boris Gelfand. Though, a tiebreak in a match like this is almost a lottery.
  • A win by either player today could decide the match. 
  • Betting odds: Bookies predict 79% chances of draw in Gelfand-Anand Game 11, 11% chances of a Gelfand win with White and 10% chances of an Anand win with Black. European betting information odds improved for Gelfand to 85%. Another update - Bookie odds were revised to a 50% for draw in the tenth game at Game 10 Move 22. ...Be8

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Anand-Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship - Replay Game 10 Moves

Game 10 Result: 1/2-1/2
Match Score Anand-Gelfand: 5-5

All credit to Israel's Boris Gelfand the challenger - for holding down India's reigning world chess champion Viswanathan Anand in the tenth game today at the 2012 World Chess Championship. If Vishy had prepared a surprise by going 1.e4 and went for a Rossolimo Sicilian (3.Bb5), then Gelfand returned the favour by playing5....e5. There are only two games left now and then a tiebreak would be played on Wednesday (if required). If the score remains tied at 6-6 by Sunday, a rapid/blitz tiebreak will be played on Wednesday. Do tune in to the official website of the tournament on Saturday for Game 11 live broadcast (India time 4.15 pm). Boris Gelfand will have his last White on Saturday.

Today Edvard Radzinsky, the famous writer, historian and TV presenter, was the honorary guest of the match. The press conference was dedicated to the “Chess and Terror” theme. Radzinsky spoke about the unique chess set titled “Reformers Against Revolutioners”, which was created in commemoration of the tragic events of the second half of the XIX century, when tsar Alexander II was murdered by members of the People’s Freedom movement. Radzinsly dwelled not only on the chess set, which was a genuine masterpiece, but also on the controversial era in Russian history, when the government of Alexander II implemented radical reforms in the country’s economic and political system.

Three simuls were played in the chess courtyard. The 12th World Champion Anatoly Karpov, the Champion of Europe 2011 Vladimir Potkin and Grandmaster Vladimir Belov played against children.

Meanwhile, you can view the 2012 Anand-Gelfand World Chess Championship Game 10 moves in our Chess King applet.

Gelfand on Mission Blaze of Glory - Live or Die! Game 10 Live Broadcast On

Super cartoon from
Mate in Moscow Blog
Expectations from 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Game 10
- Battery Gauge: Both Anand and Gelfand are charged up and the signal is full battery particularly since we are in the final three games of the match. Fireworks could light up the sky today for sure!
- Weapon Choice: Gelfand would try to push with the psychological advantage he had gained in Game 9. Anand would like to make the best use of White today with either 1.d4 (first choice) or 1.e4 (second choice) and capitalise on the frustration he caused Gelfand in Game 9 with his solid fortress.
- Stats, Odds and Mission: Despite the polls and the stats heavily in favor of reigning World Chess Champion it's Gelfand who is on a mission to do or die in a blaze of glory! For Anand, it's just another day at the job! (He's seen them, done them all!)

Impossible to miss live broadcast of Game 10 at 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship in Moscow at official website in 15 minutes.

Game 10 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship

The fantastic broadcast of Game 10 in the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship Match from Moscow - the Mecca of Chess - would continue today at the official website

In the ninth game, Viswanathan Anand decided against the Slav Defence and played the Nimzo-Indian Defence with black. In response, Boris Gelfand selected the solid Rubinstein System. Following the opening, White acquired moveable pawns in the centre and an advantage of two bishops; at the same time the Black positions had no weaknesses. Soon the challenger had an opportunity to deal a blow to the centre with a move of 19.с5. As a result of this tactical operation, White won a queen for a rook, bishop and pawn. Experts believed that a draw was the most likely outcome, but White nevertheless still had a small chance for victory. Gelfand tried long and hard to undermine the black defence, although he may not have acted as accurately as he should have. White managed to open the kingside, however Anand successfully restructured his forces and with his concise play fought off all threats from his opponent after building a fortress. The opponents agreed to a draw on the forty-ninth move. You can replay all the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet. You cannot afford to miss any of the games now in the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship!


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