India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Alan Turing Paper Machine Versus Garry Kasparov Chess Game Moves

Garry Kasparov@Turing Centenary
Legendary World Chess Champion Grandmaster Garry Kasparov recently attended the Alan Turing Centenary Celebrations in Manchester. Kasparov also beat the Turing "Paper Machine" - the first chess computer programme ever written - at a chess game in 16 moves. You can read our blog post for the full news:

Kasparov Chess Match Versus Alan Turing's 'Paper Machine' at Centenary Celebrations in Manchester

Here are the game moves as played in Manchester during the Turing centenary celebrations. (Visit the site to replay the game if you are reading a shared post)

Turing Machine - Garry Kasparov

Result: 0-1
Site: Manchester
Date: 2012.06.25
[...] 1.e3 ¤f6 2.¤c3 d5 3.¤h3 e5 4.£f3 ¤c6 5.¥d3 e4 6.¥xe4 dxe4 7.¤xe4 ¥e7 8.¤g3 O-O 9.O-O ¥g4 10.£f4 ¥d6 11.£c4 ¥xh3 12.gxh3 £d7 13.h4 £h3 14.b3 ¤g4 15.¦e1 £xh2+ 16.¢f1 £xf2#


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