India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

World Chess Championship 2012 Goes into Tiebreak Slugfest with Game 12 Draw

World Chess Championship 2012 
Game 12 about to begin. Photo: Official Website.

Game 12 of the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championshi phas ended in a draw. The match will now be decided on Wednesday with a rapid/blitz tiebreak. In Game 12, the opening was another Rossolimo Sicilian and although Anand seemed to be in an attacking mode initially, the game ended in a draw in 22 moves.You can tune in to the live tiebreak broadcast of the 2012 World Chess Championship on May 30, Wednesday at the official website at 1 pm India time.

The World Chess Championship 2012 is being staged in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, between the current World Champion Viswanathan Anand of India and the winner of the Candidates tournament Boris Gelfand of Israel. The match is over twelve games and lasts from May 11 to 30. The prize fund is US $2.55 million, the winner getting $1.53 million (60%), the loser $1.02 million (40%).

Here are the Game 12 moves to replay in our Chess King applet

Anand, Viswanathan (2799) - Gelfand, Boris (2739)

Result: 1/2-1/2
Site: Moscow RUS
Date: 2012.05.28

[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 e6 4.¥xc6 bxc6 5.d3 ¤e7 6.b3 d6 7.e5 ¤g6 8.h4 ¤xe5 9.¤xe5 dxe5 10.¤d2 c4 11.¤xc4 ¥a6 12.£f3 £d5 13.£xd5 cxd5 14.¤xe5 f6 15.¤f3 e5 16.O-O ¢f7 17.c4 ¥e7 18.¥e3 ¥b7 19.cxd5 ¥xd5 20.¦fc1 a5 21.¥c5 ¦hd8 22.¥xe7


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